Fulfilling the Promise of Generative AI 7 Improvements From GenAI Yield Use Cases Galore Many organizations already indicate that they are seeing numerous areas of substantial organizational improvements from GenAI, with primary benefits including improving processes and workflows (53%), supporting data analytics (52%), enhancing employee productivity (51%), improving operational efÏciency (48%), and improving the user/customer experience (46%).5 This has resulted in the emergence of more use cases, particularly ones with wide-ranging potential to improve efÏciency and effectiveness in achieving business goals. Certainly, content creation in all its forms—written, oral, artistic, visual, and more—is at the top of every organization’s GenAI use case portfolio, likely followed by everything from data analytics and software code creation to cybersecurity and customer experience. Corner ofÏce conversations, boardroom discussions, and everyday lunchroom conversations—every environment and scenario where employees gather to talk about the future of their organization—are all diving into the art of the possible when it comes to GenAI. And that could be one of the biggest benefits GenAI brings to organizations: the freedom and license to imagine, innovate, and invent like never before. The excitement and incentive for organizations to consider what feels like unlimited possibilities is being shaped by GenAI. Figure 2. Top 5 Primary Benefits of Using Generative AI 53% 52% 51% 48% 46% 3e+7d= 2e+8d= 1e+9d= 8d+2e= 6d+4e= Improve and/or automate Support data analytics Increase employee Improve operational Improve user/customer processes and workflows and business intelligence productivity efÏciency experience © 2024 TechTarget, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 5Source: Enterprise Strategy Group Research Report, Beyond the GenAI Hype: Real-World Investments, Use Cases, and Concerns, August 2023. Back to contents

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